Dust Up Projects can source funding for your projects and will assist in the deliverables of the projects from coordination through to the acquittal stage. The business has extensive knowledge of bureaucratic processes and prides itself on submitting applications which successfully showcase what your project wants to achieve.
We have successfully applied for millions of dollars worth of funding for our clients. We offer a service that takes the confusion out of the grant process and collect your ideas to formulate a stress free application.
Recent successful project applications include various submissions for the 2021 Carnarvon Windfest and a Regional Economic Development grant for the 2020 Mt Augustus Tourist Park Hub.

Monitoring Tool
Dust Up Projects has been working with the Gascoyne Catchments Group and Rangelands NRM through the State NRM program to develop a Rangelands Monitoring Tool©. This iPhone and iPad application allows landholders in the Central Rangelands of WA to monitor their trends in range condition. The App is available to download at

Gascoyne Food Plan
2010 – 2015
Dust Up Projects was employed as the executive officer for the Gascoyne Food Council through Royalties for Regions funding from 2009 to 2015. This initiative, of the Carnarvon Growers Association, focuses on bringing together primary industry groups and the Gascoyne community to achieve recognition of our region’s products and to receive premium prices for them. Representatives from the horticultural, fishing and pastoral industries have come together to form the Gascoyne Food Council. The Council is looking at production and development, market information, market accumulation and regional events.

Agricultural Services
Dust Up Projects developed the project proposal for a New Industries Development Program to fund the development of a market- ready product for the horticultural industry. The success of this project has been realised with Ezy Fix currently being sold nationwide through large hardware chains.